As opposed to what I mentioned in my last post, I don't really remember this particular night, which was May 23, 2008. But, I do remember the photos because I look at them often. And, I really like the shadows in the sky that the clouds cast after the sun goes down behind them. This is an indication that there is a lot of 'stuff' in the air. The tags that I put in my pictures after I take them, told me that the night that I took these pictures followed about two days of winds and rain.
I think that in my last post I also said that I really like those pictures where the sun is partly hiding directly behind the clouds. And this series of shots shows this situation at its finest. Even in this first shot, you can already see that the sky-shadows are beginning to happen.
Here is wider shot. Even though there aren't very many clouds in the sky, they sure are positioned wonderfully.
Now, in this next shot, instead of being a wide shot, I've zoomed in a great deal, directly on the sun. I love shots like this where the circle of the sun is clearly visible behind the clouds. And, in this shot, I'm really pleased with the ground reference still being visible. By the way, this hill, which shows up in a lot of my photos, is Walker Butte, which is located West of Florence and North of Coolidge.
Next, the sun has gone down below the first set of clouds, and is beginning to go down behind the second set of clouds. And this causes the first set of clouds to begin casting sky-shadows.
Here is a closer look at those shadows. I think that this shot is just a great example of this kind of shadow.
And finally, here is a wide shot again.